This last Christmas-eve (like two weeks ago), my friend, Bobby, and I went on an adventure to Puerto RIco for Christmas and the New Years. We’ve been friends for a long time, but this was our first time traveling together outside of work, and though I wasn’t sure about how the trip would go, we quickly found it was quite an awesome trip. Read the rest of this entry
Archive for the ‘ Travels ’ Category
Holidays in Puerto Rico
Author: JasonJan 7
Burning Man 2014
Author: JasonSep 9
Last Monday, Burning Man 2014 came to a close for me. I was sad to leave this new home of mine, but glad to get back to greener pastures (literally, it was a white desert out there and getting back to green Oregon was so great!). My experience of the event was very positive and left me wanting more. I’m not going to go into details about all of my experiences at Burning Man, however I will give some highlights and incites (plus some pretty pictures). Read the rest of this entry
Traveling The Globe
Author: JasonJan 23
I’m currently traveling around the globe. Follow my journey at!
Barcelona, Lisbon, Madrid and Morocco
Author: JasonApr 30
Jason Masood Barcelona
Author: JasonApr 9
Thursday morning (tomorrow) I’m leaving early for Barcelona to meet up with my friend Masood. What started as an April fools joke has now become a chance to get back to Europe to visit Spain. Read the rest of this entry