Archive for the ‘ Personal Updates ’ Category

Changes – Woohoo!!!

It sure has been some time since I’ve posted and figure it is time I do so.

Last time I posted I was talking about some documents I’ve been reading. Well since then I’ve made a number of changes.

With the closing of IGT Corvallis at the end of June, I’ve decided that instead of moving to Reno for IGT, that I would interview around and see what I can find. In the few months I applied I was able to get three confirmed offers. Two in Reno and one in Portland. I almost had one in Corvallis, however they failed to get permission to seek a new candidate before they began interviewing candidates…silly companies.

Though one of the offers in Reno was great, I decided to stay in Oregon and accept a position in Portland with a company called Coaxis. They deal mainly with their software called Viewpoint Construction Software which I hear is quite popular with construction companies; which is a good thing for me that I get into a business that is still growing. It is quite exciting and I will be able to contribute quite a lot. The great thing about going to Coaxis is that I get to work with a couple of co-workers from IGT that are already there.

Moving to Portland will also be quite fun and exciting. I’ve been interested in getting up in the Portland area so I am happy to have the chance to move up closer to friends I don’t get to see as often as I would like. Though this means I’ll be farther from friends, girlfriend included, in the Albany/Corvallis area, it just means that I’ll have to make lots of visits to the area.

Lucky for me, I really like to drive my car and really enjoy spending time with friends that it’ll be a great time.

With this whole move and starting a new company it means the end to a current one. I am leaving IGT for the right reasons (for me), and because of this I do not think it will be difficult to go. I will definitely miss working with all the great people I have gotten to know over the couple years I have been there, but the work itself I feel satisfied with. I was able to see my work running in a casino, and the current projects I was developing passed off into good hands. Hopefully I hear from the folks working on the project I spent so much time on and how successful it will turn out for them.

IGT was a great starting company after graduating and I will always remember the experiences with such great people. I look forward though to my next adventures which are starting quite soon.

This Friday (April 9th) will be my last day with IGT, I am then taking the next 9 days to just relax and move up to Portland. I then start day one at Coaxis on April 19th (a day after my birthday).

Here is to exciting and wonderful new changes. And here is to hoping that the people I meet at Coaxis will be as wonderful as those I met at IGT.


New Blog Design

I’ve decided to update the look and feel of my blog.  This allows me to show all my links along with my content, so woo hoo!

Change is coming…

Well, it’s about time for a change. Just never figured it would be caused this way.

Read the rest of this entry

Moved web host to JustHost

JustHost has some great deals for hosting and gives UNLIMITED everything just about.  My domain is currently being transferred from 1and1 to JustHost.  Currently my DNS through 1and1 is pointing to JustHost to handle my new domain hosting.

So far things have been great. Just got my blog uploaded to and will be creating to handle my consulting business.

So if you need any help, please contact me and I’ll see what I can do to help.


jason at gilldev dot net

Losing de Gros

I’ve decided that I’m going to cut some body fat.  I tried this back in October with success, however it was hard to stick to since my girlfriend wasn’t willing to also try it out.  Well we’ve both made the decision that we need a change in what and the way we eat so we’re both going to take the diet from Tim Ferris – The “Slow Carb” diet – and try to cut some of the extra wait we’ve gained.

Later today I’ll try to post some of the starting details for myself: weight, height, body fat %, etc.

Perhaps a picture as well (how emberassing ; )