IndieGamesCon 2007
Posted by JasonOct 15
This last week I had another awesome opportunity to attend a game developer’s conference. The conference I attended was IndieGamesCon 2007, put on by GarageGames geared towards the indie game developer community.
There were a number of discussions at the event about the latest and greatest engines being developed by GarageGames along with a few roundtables on how to get your game idea listened to and how to get funded.
When the main discussion weren’t going on there were a number of computers available to play some of the projects being showcased by the developers. The games were then voted upon and the top picks were announced on the second and last day.
Unfortunately I was only able to stay the first day, however I had an awesome time while I was there and met some great people. I also had my ass handed to me during a Wii-Tennis tournament by a couple GarageGames employees!
For a ton of info on what exactly went on, go here.
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